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Beginning an Exercise Regimen
By Lawrence Feinstein, PhD
regarding exercise
Benefits of Exercise:
burn more calories
increase basal
(resting) metabolism
stress reduction,
alternate coping technique without using food
fun and enjoyment
(feeling of movement, enjoy your accomplishment - leaner body)
sense of
self-control, self-mastery
more "in touch" with
your physical body
learn how to shape
your body
Costs of Exercise:
pain (though, only
possible boredom
time away from other
activities and responsibilities
doing something only
for yourself may raise guilt
no immediate gains
(takes time)
Ways to begin an
exercise regimen:
Find an activity
that you enjoy (ask the group if you don't have one)
GOALS - set
immediate, specific, easily achieved goals that translate into action
that bring reward; for example, start with 5 minutes of easy walking
each morning this week (later you will increase this); do not set
long-term goals (like running a marathon) until later
PLANS - plan today
what you will do tomorrow, and when you will do it; be
EXPECTATIONS - set realistic expectations that serve you; let go of
unrealistic, self-sabotaging dreams; your immediate expectation is not
to burn calories with your exercise, but to make "space" in your daily
routine for exercise
FEEDBACK - keep a log or journal of your activity; for example, keep a
sheet of graph paper on your refrigerator door or bathroom wall and
check off your daily activity; this provides a sure sense of
COPING: Develop
ways to cope with the costs of exercise such as planning, cognitive
skills, or exercising with someone. As an example of a cognitive
technique, ask yourself, "What's more difficult to deal with: the
occasional difficulty and pain of daily gentle, moderate exercise, or
the pain of living daily over-weight?"
Ways to sabotage
yourself and make sure you will never continue exercising:
Create a long-term
unattainable goal such as exercising hard 1 hour everyday so you can see
results in a week because you should be able to, and anything
less is not worth it
Start exercising 1
hour each day doing difficult aerobics, weight lifting, or running
When you don't meet
your unrealistic goal, bargain with yourself that you deserve a treat
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