How To Choose A Therapist
The Potent Mind, November 11, 2013 By Jerry Gelbart, M.D., F.A.P.A., Psychiatrist Most people I talk to have no idea where to start looking when they want a good therapist. Many therapists can be amiable, supportive, encouraging, but in 2013 we need to expect more than that. We now have therapies such as Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and others that have been shown to be effective in scientific studies, and many therapists are not up to date with these. For example, many therapists still use older models such as Jungian, Analysis, or Supportive therapies that have not proven to be cost-effective in getting the job done. Here are 7 things to look for if you're choosing a therapist: 1. Therapist sets tangible goals with you. Goal setting:
Gets you, therapist, and other members of treatment team (i.e.
Psychiatrist, Primary b. Helps you see if you're making progress. c. Goals help you move forward instead of looking back.
2. Therapist is open minded to various treatments, including nutritional, medications, Not defensive, willing to consult with others or send you to someone else if not a good match. 3. Therapist is engaged and engaging, versus passive, remote, disinterested. 4. Therapist is not just supportive, listening, reflecting (I call this HHT, “Hand Holding Therapy”). 5. Therapist can say what kind of therapy they are doing. The models mentioned above are not the only effective therapies, but are a few examples based on learning new skills, and changing behaviors and thinking. They mostly stay out of the past and intellectualizing about “why” you are the way you are. Instead they are focused on being in the present, getting rid of judgments and taking more control over your life. 6. Therapist gives homework. Homework: a. Keeps you thinking and working between sessions. b. Helps with continuity.
Consider therapist sessions as mostly teaching while the
lab/application is in the real
7. Therapist
is willing to confront you with things you may not want to hear in
ways you can hear Plusses:
1. Coping
skills training. Especially teaching Emotion Regulation Skills
(managing anxiety,
Mindfulness-based. Mindfulness teaches you how to be in the present
and disengage from
3. Biological,
Psychological, Social, and Spiritual perspective. Focuses on body,
mind, Remember that no one thing makes us healthy and well. Health and Wellness require a multi-pronged approach involving self-examination, reprioritizing values, and behavior change. Jerry H. Gelbart, M.D. |
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